Aaargh KL driving!!
Well,i used to think i lead a charmed life. Unfortunately Squid and i were involved in a lovely 6 car pile-up on the Federal Highway today. Squid ,of course, is my much loved trusty 1000cc Mini lookalike. We do lead a dangerous life but this is the first time i've been in an accident.What happened was: it was raining cats and dogs as ususal. Being the Fed Highway,there was flooding.
So,one freaking idiot who wasn't used to driving in KL braked suddenly and resulted in a whole bunch of us crashing into each other. Normally,i always drive very very fast. For some reason,i drove muy slowly today and managed to swerve slightly before crashing into the guy ahead. So poor Squid has a broken nose(of sorts) and my shoulder hurts like heck. However,the dude whose car i smashed was really nice about everything and i'm just glad we weren't badly injured. KL driving is dangerous. You have all these weirdos from out-of-state (especially freaking obnoxious Johoreans and Malacca people) driving around. They insist on gawking at car crashes, braking suddenly and not freaking signalling where they wanna go. No one car-pools to work and you have these people who drive National cars like Wajas and Satrias who think they are hot stuff.AND all these male MALAY IDIOTS always bully drivers of small vehicles. That's why i've always driven fast and hard. If they can't catch you,they can't bully you.Ah well,to the garage it is for poor Squid.
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